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Aid Station have teamed up with Ash Miller, offering athletes, weekend warriors, and the curious a place to connect for nutrition advice, goal planning, general wellness and everything in between.

Oh, and did we mention Ash is a real person! Offering personalised support, and expert advice, grounded in real-world experience. 

Don't be shy to reach out for tailored advice, pick her brain about nutrition or questions about diets and plans. 

ASK ASH - Send Ash a message here


Q & A with Ash Miller


1. What made you become a Dietitian?

Many people who know me in the Dietetic world don’t actually know that my first career and degree was a Bachelor of Physical and Health Education. I have been a high school teacher since 2012 and only now in 2025 have I gone full time into Dietetics. Back in 2008 when I was studying teaching and training with the NSWIS for basketball I tore my ACL in my knee for the second time. After trying to rehab this to continue my career as a basketballer, I realised I would never be able to play to my potential again and took up triathlons. In doing so I incidentally lost a lot of weight as my training load increased. After 2 years of competing in triathlons and being in an energy deficiency I started gaining weight, having low mood and poor recovery/ plateau in performance. I sought help from a number of professionals however no one could seem to answer my question of why I was gaining weight. Everyone was stuck in the notion that energy in, energy out was the only science behind weight balance. 

I decided to do my own research and became fascinated in the science of nutrition and dietetics. I thought I'd go back to uni for another 5 years to get a second degree haha [Can’t actually believe I’ve done 9 full years of uni]. After some tough times with some hard science I got through and alas became an accredited practicing dietitian in 2019.


2. Achievements as a Dietitian?

I graduated from the University Of Wollongong with a Masters of Nutrition and Dietetics with distinction in 2018. Since then I have worked with a number of clubs, individuals and training groups. These include; GWS giants AFL team, Basketball Aus, Basketball NSW, Riverina Academy of sport, Multiple gym challenges, Triathlon teams, Sole Sisters Run Club, Wyn Republic Racing, FS8 Noosa, Peregian Beach Collage and was the Dietitian at a Catholic Collage in Wagga Wagga in 2019. I currently work with 100's of endurance athletes, fitness enthusiasts, the general public and teenagers. In 2025 I became the official dietitian for Aid Station which is one of my best achievements to date. 


3. What does a day in a life look like for Ash?

A typical day for me at the moment looks like waking up around 5am in Noosa, QLD to look after my 9 month old son. We usually go for a run or walk before his first nap. At this time I get stuck into nutrition work for Aid Station, replying to customer questions, writing articles, working on social media posts or researching products. On days my son goes to daycare this continues until around 3pm. In the afternoons we usually go to the beach, park, swim in our pool, walk our dog Kona or i go to pilates at fs8 Noosa. In between all of this I eat lots of food and try to get housework done :).


4. If you could choose one food to sustain your life for the longest time what would it be?

I would choose a coconut. The reason being is that its a triple threat for life sustenance. It contains water with some electrolytes, good fats from medium chain triglycerides and some fibre. It also contains minerals such as iron, magnesium, zinc, copper, manganese and selenium and plenty of calories to sustain me for the longest time possible. 

5. Favourite place you’ve travelled to?

I am lucky enough to have seen a lot of the world through my own sport/ interest in travel as well as following my husband around on his Ironman journey. My favourite place i have been to though is probably Croatia. We spent 5 days on a catamaran traveling the islands of Croatia in 2023 which was magical. In saying that, anywhere with a good beach and waterfront is my ideal travel destination. 

6. Favourite topic of dietetics?

My favourite area of dietetics is sports endurance especially for the female athlete. I feel like this area is very unique and specific while being an area that is not heavily spoken to in the media. I have helped many women achieve great results by just making a few changes to their choices in sports nutrition supplements as well as the timing of nutrition around training and racing.